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Website Content Writer UK

Website Content Writer UK

You only get 4 seconds to impress before visitors click away, so your website copy not only needs to be attention-grabbing but also sculpted for search engines like Bing and Google for SEO rankings. What you have written in the 4 seconds of website content is the difference between a sale and a potential customer leaving you for a better looking competitor. 

This means no technical jargon, get to the point. Most people will discover your services at a time when they’re relaxing so if they’re having to wrack their brains to work out what exactly you’re selling, they’ll lose interest and go somewhere that’s straight talking. 

If you sell golden potatoes say you sell golden potatoes. Starting with something like, “Welcome to our website. At we pride ourselves on having 9ct gilded crops” will bring you no ZERO sales. Nor are you likely to show up in Google when someone asks where they can buy a Golden Potato. By stating clearly, immediately “Golden Potatoes. 9ct Potatoes UK” both your audience and the search engines know what it is you sell. 

Contact me via my online form or drop me a message on WhatsApp 

Website Content Writer UK


Website Content Writer SEO UK

While you might think images are the key to catching a customer’s attention unfortunately they’re not going to help people find you amongst millions of others and they certainly won’t help search engines either. It’s recommended that you have at least 500 words on your homepage alone. 

500 words may seem like a lot but if that writing is quality and properly written, it makes a sale much more likely. Of course, correctly placed images will help to draw in the consumer but it will always be the words that make the sale. That’s because the words we use and the way in which we use them have a much greater effect on the psyche. 

Landing Page Content Writer UK

A successful landing page means visiting audiences convert into actual sales. What you’re offering may well be amazing, you may have thrown tonnes of ££’s on advertising it but the wrong content on your landing page your sales will suffer. 

Website Content Writer Landing Page SEO UK

Homepage Content Should Be Clean Organised Design 

The structure and overall look of your page will hugely impact its effectiveness and seriously affect the conversion to sales. The primary goal of your landing page should be to make it as easy as possible for a visitor to convert, so it is important that all elements of your page work towards the conversion objective, whether it is filling out a form, making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an ebook.

Website Content Should Be Clear and Eye Catching

An effective landing page design makes smart use of colour and eye-catching images. Above all make sure that there is a strong contrast between your button colour and your background. Don’t just use the words “click here” get creative with your button text. If you take a look around my site, you’ll see my call to action buttons have a variety of text. 

Keep Your Website Minimalist But Not Your Website Content 

Be sure to maintain a clean page with obvious, natural navigation and no distractions such as pop-ups. A good website page provides all the necessary information needed to encourage visitors to convert, but nothing extra. Too much information can overwhelm visitors, so keep it simple and provide only the essential information that will guide visitors where you want them. The info you do put front and centre should be easily read and to the point. 

Website Content Should Build Trust

Good landing pages make abundant use of trust signals, which can indicate to visitors that their offer and brand are trustworthy. Trust signals can take a number of different forms – testimonials are a classic form of trust signal, capitalising on word-of-mouth to reassure visitors with endorsements from past clients or customers.

How To Build A Great Contact Form

Firstly, keep forms short and simple. Remember the 4 second rule? (Not the food off the floor one) No one wants to spend 10 minutes filling a form just to sign up for a discount code or to make an appointment.

When it comes to creating a good website page, less is more. It is extremely important that you make users fill out a few form fields as possible. The more fields you ask a visitor to enter, the less chance you have of them filling out the form and completing the desired conversion. If your conversion requires a form, only ask the essentials of what you need. Remember, you can always ask for more info once contact has been made. 

Hire A Website Content Writer UK

In all honesty, you can have a go at creating your website pages yourself, using tips and guides scattered across the internet but you’ll 100% end up spending more money in the long run. You skill are better spent doing what you do best – running your business. While you battle with wording wording content and working out where and what your headings should be, you’re not making money. Hire me to do it for you and you’re guaranteed to have results and most importantly, start showing up in those engines. Get in touch now and we can start talking about how I can help take your website from invisible to making you some serious money. Drop me a message on WhatsApp or Contact me using the online form.